The Best Waterfront Restaurants in Queensland… are not on land – YOTSPACE superyacht charters

The Best Waterfront Restaurants in Queensland
Are Not On Land – YOTSPACE superyacht charters

If you have been searching the internet for the best waterfront restaurants in Queensland you may have been surprised to land on this YOTSPACE superyacht charters blog page.

You were probably imagining some sort of flashy upscale seafood restaurant in Port Douglas, the Whitsundays or even the Gold Coast, but here we are now introducing you to some of the best waterfront restaurants in Queensland that are not actually on land but on ultra-luxury superyachts.

Ahoy and welcome to our YOTSPACE blog.

Today we talk about how to find the best waterfront restaurants in Queensland that are actually on the water and mobile.

Let us introduce you to our luxury YOTSPACE superyacht charters that offer our cruising guests ocean views that you will never experience in a land based waterfront restaurant in Queensland.

Whenever I think about going out for a lunch or dinner I seem to always put the view first (which is always the ocean as number one and river at number two) I am such a water person as I find it so calming and forever changing. It just seems to make my dining experience so much better!

All-inclusive Waterfront Restaurants

Our specially curated all-inclusive cruise packages with YOTSPACE offer an equally gratifying choice of paired cocktails and beverages to match the five star gourmet meals that your superyacht chef and team are preparing in the yachts galley.

You may have never experienced such wonderful and attentive service levels until you have had the opportunity of a cruising holiday on-board a luxury superyacht. Most of the YOTSPACE superyacht crew are also highly trained and qualified specialists in Gueridon style service.

Did we mention the views? Well, now this is really something to brag about that other land based waterfront restaurants in Queensland cannot!

Our YOTSPACE superyachts have two to three levels of both indoor and outdoor options for our voyage guests to enjoy the fresh sea air, the brilliant blues of the ocean and the lush greens of the surrounding islands.

We bet your thinking oh gosh how I wish I was on one of these yachts right now in North Queensland cruising my way to Lizard Island and indulging in some yummy cheat meals.

YOTSPACE superyacht voyages - All Inclusive gourmet dining
YOTSPACE superyacht voyages Great Barrier Reef - Whale Tail

Waterfront Restaurant Entertainment

Our mobile waterfront restaurants also have unique entertainment that you certainly will not experience in a land based restaurant.

Should our YOTSPACE guests be fortunate enough to be cruising the idyllic waters of the Whitsundays or exploring the Ribbon Reefs and Lizard Island from Port Douglas during the months of May to September you may be delighted with an encounter of some in-water marine action from pods of dolphins, Minke Whales or Humpback Whales as you are tucking into your freshly prepared luncheon.   

Mindful Eating    

Superyacht chefs are always out to impress their on-board guests and mindful eating is at the forefront when they are planning a week long YOTSPACE superyacht voyage menu for our very special guests. 

Their goal is to maintain the in-moment awareness of the food you put into your body and how that food makes you feel the minute you taste it in your mouth and then afterwards how it makes your body feel.

When your meal is served your hosts will explain all of the delicately decorated dishes so your senses are prepared for all of the flavours to burst in your mouth upon tasting.

On YOTSPACE superyacht voyages our chefs are mindful of the environment and mindful of wastage and as they are planning our weekly menus, they like to provision in the region and destination of departure to ensure all of our produce is fresh and less travelled along with showcasing the regions hero produce.

And our chefs know how to prepare those yummy dishes that we all like to indulge in when on holidays that will not affect your waistline or your health.

YOTSPACE superyacht voyages - Book By the Cabin - Phoenix One - Dining Saloon

Queensland’s Floating Waterfront Restaurants Cater for Most Dietary Requirements.

We get to know about any of our guest’s specific dietary requirements weeks in advance of our YOTSPACE cruise departures enabling our superyacht chefs to get to work and pre-plan your gourmet meal provisioning.

Superyachts can cater to just about most dietary requirements and our crews always do their utmost best to ensure each and every single guest enjoys some indulgent dining experiences whilst a guest of our YOTSPACE superyacht voyages. 

Feel free to reach out to our team at any time to discuss your personal dietary questions we would love to hear from you.

Can you think of any better waterfront restaurants in Queensland?

Bon voyage!


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